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  • What is a contract?
    • A contract is an agreement between you and the customer regarding future orders. This helps both parties plan for recurring orders, batch planning, and scheduled orders.

      For example, if a customer wants to produce 1,500 parts over the next year in three batches, they can set up a contract for 1,500 pieces and create three separate batches of 500 pieces each, based on the terms defined in the contract.

  • After a contract is approved, do I need to do anything?
    • No. Contracts are not manufacturing orders; they are agreements about future batch orders.

      When it’s time to manufacture, you will receive an order that will appear in the β€œOrders” table.

  • How do I respond to a contract RFQ?
    • To respond to a contract RFQ, fill in the prices, lead times, notes, and provide professional DFM feedback, similar to how you would for any other RFQ.

  • Who can create a contract?
    • Only customers can create contracts. If you feel like an order has a potential to become a contract, you can suggest to the customer to send you a contract request.